I’m happy to report that my kayaking days took a turn for the better after that first windy day. Weather conditions improved each time we
went out as did my skills and confidence. I still have a lot to learn but Chris
has been setting me simple tasks which mean that I’m getting better all the
time. I'm comfortable using the rudder
now and able to cope a lot better with waves, although I still prefer
calmer conditions. Call me old fashioned but I think kayaking at dusk should be
more akin to a romantic stroll, rather than a roller coaster ride!
As soon as we set off I was delighted to see that my
paddling was far stronger than only a few days before. I was putting into
practice the skills I had been learning which meant that I was (hopefully) using less energy to make my kayak go further. I still hadn't deciphered Chris’s riddle to “move
the boat, not the water” but nevertheless I was making good progress!
quickly reached the nearest groups of sailing boats – a destination that had
thwarted me on the first day. Passing them with a wave, we went under a low,
narrow bridge with, I must confess, a little shrieking on my part! Chris captured
this on video so we’ll be putting it on YouTube soon - I'll make sure to add a link here.
Eventually we got back on the water to make the crossing
to Stocking Island. We were leaving the shoreline and crossing a bay and so it
was harder to gauge how much progress we were making. This can often make the
distance seem a lot further than it is but with the promise of a delicious
lunch waiting for us at Chat "N" Chill our
spirits were high.
Due to the leisurely pace of the day, it was well past
lunchtime when we arrived and the biscuits were a long forgotten treat. I was
hungry and as a result I was beginning to feel the impact of the last 4 hours
of paddling. We pulled our kayaks up
onto the beach to rest beside a whole host of inflatable dinghies that bring
the boaters to the island each day. We headed straight for the bar to place our food order and sat looking out to sea with a cold beer. I had to admit it
was nice to be out of the boat - I definitely wasn't up for any
volleyball action that afternoon!
Stocking Island is home to some friendly southern stingrays
that linger near the shore line and are fed on leftover conch. It’s a fantastic experience
to stand in the sea and watch them swim right up to you, often passing right over
your feet. They’re incredible to feel, quite silky smooth yet amazingly sturdy, and if you’re brave enough you can feel them hoovering
up the food from the palm of your hand.
After eating tasty conch burgers and rice and peas (a common meal here), we had just another hour of paddling to take us back home. It had been a
great day and despite my aching shoulders, I knew I was ready for the three-day
trip. It was just as well as we were heading out in just two days!